Chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History
Together Raf De Bont and Simone Schleper have a chapter in the recently published The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History, edited by Emily O'Gorman, William San Martín, Mark Carey, and Sandra Swart. Their chapter "Actor-networks, conservation treaties, and...
Moving Animals Festival at Naturalis in February 2024
Moving Animals is planning a special event at Naturalis in February! On Friday, February 2, "Moving Animals: Wetenschapsfestival in Naturalis" promises to be a fun and educational evening about the history of animals. The evening will include a lecture by Raf De Bont,...
Presentation at 2023 IUCN International Conservation Translocation Conference, Australia
Monica Vasile presented at the IUCN International Conservation Translocation Conference held in Fremantle, Australia, 12-15 November. As the conference website states, "The International Conservation Translocation Conference (ICTC) is a premier conservation...
Presentation at Western History Association Conference
Last month, Vanessa Bateman presented her research on elk conservation and animal photography at the Western History Association conference in Los Angeles, California. The Bellwether Histories themed panel "Warnings Ignored: Animal Crises in the American West”...
Presentation & Panel at Universities Art Association of Canada
Last week Vanessa Bateman presented her research on documentary animal photography and the formation of the National Elk Refuge in the panel she co-chaired with Maia Nichols, "Activating Animals in the Visual Archive" at the annual conference of the Universities Art...
Presentation at Animal History Group Conference 2023
Vincent Bijman presented his research on the history of invasive Sea Lamprey in the Great Lakes at the "Working Across Disciplines on Animal History" conference held by the Animal History Group in partnership with the FIELD Project at the University of Lincoln, UK....
Moving Animals at European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) 2023
This summer the Moving Animals team participated in the European Society for Environmental History conference (held in Bern, Switzerland) in various ways, including presenting on two panels and participating in the Summer School. [Media clipping from Vincent's...
Raf De Bont on Dutch Radio program Wetenschap Vandaag (Science Today)
This August, Raf De Bont was interviewed on the Dutch radio program Wetenschap Vandaag (Science Today) discussing the Moving Animals project. Listen to "Hoe wild is een wild dier nog?" (How Wild is a Wild Animal) here.
Papers at the Commodities of Empire International Workshop
This month Vanessa Bateman and Marie Skłodowska–Curie Fellow Tom Quick presented papers at the University of York for the workshop "Fur, Fin and Feather: Commodifying Wild Animals" as part of the British Academy Research Project Commodities of Empire . Tom shared,...
New Publication on Animal Photography and Migration
Vanessa Bateman has a chapter in the recently published book Bellwether Histories: Animals, Humans, and US Environments in Crisis edited by Susan Nance and Jennifer Marks with University of Washington Press. "Animal Photography and the 'Elk Problem' in Modern Wyoming"...