Moving Animals hosted a two-day workshop this month for our book project, Globalizing Wildlife. The workshop brought scholars from around the world (in person and online) to Maastricht University to share their contributions to the volume and discuss what (‘wild’) animals and their histories can bring to the study of globalization, and vice versa.
Thanks to all of our contributors!
Jules Skotnes-Brown, University of St Andrews
Regina Horta Duarte, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Christina Dunbar-Hester, University of Southern California Annenberg
George Iordachescu, The University of Sheffield
Nancy Jacobs, Brown University
Finn Arne Jørgensen, University of Stavanger
Gregg Mitman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ajit Menon, Madras Institute of Development Studies
Nitin Rai, Independent Scholar
James L. A. Webb, Colby College
…the Maastricht University / Moving Animals team:
Raf De Bont
Vincent Bijman
Simone Schleper
Monica Vasile
and our co-editors, Vanessa Bateman and Tom Quick
More to come…
Our book workshop Globalizing Wildlife is on. @NancyJa98435641 @George_Iorda @AjitMenon17 @J_SkotnesBrown @ReginaHortaDua2 Nitin Rai @greggmitman @scrivenix @finnarne @moneschleper Jim Webb and our team @BatemanVan @rafdebont1 @monica_vasile @vincentbijman @lab_ani_trans
— Moving Animals (@AnimalsMoving) April 19, 2023
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